Taxpayer Friend Website Design Project
Project Overview: Legacy Creative LLC developed the Taxpayer Friend website, a one-page design focusing on rallying opposition against local school board propositions perceived as detrimental to children and families. The site features a school-themed design to resonate with concerns about educational impacts.
- Engaging Design: Create a visually engaging and easy-to-navigate website that effectively communicates the group’s concerns and mission.
- Patriotic and Educational Theme: Use design elements like classroom visuals and American flags to emphasize the educational focus and civic engagement.
- Color Scheme: Utilized a palette of red, white, and blue to underline the patriotic theme.
- Imagery: Incorporated school-related visuals and subtle backgrounds to segment the website effectively and maintain thematic consistency.
The design caters to a diverse audience, balancing appeal to both younger and older community members, enhancing the message’s reach and impact.
For more details, you can explore the initiative at Taxpayer Friend.